What is Future Worship?

Future Worship – Songs from the Journey

This recording has been a labor of love for over a year and half.  For years I have led worship in venues large and small all over America and in 10 countries.  People have asked me "When are you going to release a CD?"  I never felt like it was the time, until January 2014 when I sensed something stirring in my heart to produce a CD of original music.  

I had written songs for years, and (as many songwriters do) a binder full of song ideas.  I sat down with some trusted musical friends and played through the best 20+ of them.  We narrowed it down to 16 and then 9.  

Finally I went into the studio and laid them down and eventually whittled it down to 8 songs.  

Wow! I had no idea how much energy, emotion, and plain old work went into making a CD.  I learned so much about myself and about the creative process through this experience.  

The biggest question I had to answer is "Why?" Why should I make a CD of my songs, what benefit or purpose will they serve.  Lord knows we have a ton of great music already out in the world, and clearly my chops if compared to others could be considered less than professional.  It was then that I realized my "why".  It wasn't for fame or fortune, it wasn't for celebrity it was because God had given me some gifts - songs that carried His word in a unique way.  I remember how the best way for me to memorize anything is to create a song about it, and I thought about how many songs I had sung that helped me understand who I am, who God is, and what he wants me to do. 

So this is why I recorded and released "Future Worship".  To share my journey with others.  The unique sounds and thoughts that God shared with me I want to share with others.  Yet, there was something more, and it wasn't until March 2015 when I understood the bigger why.  

I was wrestling with what to title the CD, when I was in a meeting where the speaker was talking about the two realities of earth and heaven, and how those of us who know Jesus literally are between these two realities.  We have access to heaven, and we can bring heaven to earth. 

Then I remembered the song "Future Worship" and realized that these songs were to help people understand God's invitation to them to be part of both realms in worship.  From the opening track "Ransomed" to the final track "Zion's Call" my prayer is that this album would be a sonic passageway for people to take God up on his invitation to worship in "spirit and in truth" John 4:24.  May those who listen be welcomed into that other place of adoration and celebration.  This is why I recorded this album, this is why I sing these songs.  To bring glory to God and to help people encounter Him.  This is future worship. - Stephen